Over the years, we have read of companies been held for ransom of millions of dollars due to the lack of cyber security and data back-up. This danger is not going away any time soon. In fact, it is more rampant.
We simply cannot afford to be complacent anymore.
This pre-recorded webinar dated 27th April, 2020 is very much valid today. It gives insight to the importance of data governance – what to look out for, how to keep your data safe and manage it. Also, included in this webinar, are safe and effective tools and functionalities for remote digital access to productivity, line of business applications and communication/collaboration tools to help protect and pivot businesses during such disruptive times.
Have a listen to the webinar – “Technology-The Enabler during period of Uncertainties”.
“Technology, The Enable During Period of Uncertainties” is a webinar hosted by Rentwise Sdn Bhd in collaboration with Microsoft distributor, Rhipe to share insights on effective remote working and collaboration tools for business continuity during disruptive times. This webinar also covers the importance of data governance and how to keep your data safe and secure.
The planet has undergone many phases of destruction, contamination and pollution, resulting in the rise in CO2, leading to a drastic global warming. A change in mind set is imperative. The earth is sick. We as guardians of this planet, for the generations to come, need to be consciously committed towards conservation and to be innovative in how we can reuse, recycle and remanufacture what we have in hand before it is beyond our control.
¹Extracted from Wikipedia, remanufacturing is the rebuilding of a product to specifications of the original manufactured product using a combination of reused, repaired and new parts. It is a form of product recovery process that differs from other recovery processes in its completeness. A remanufactured machine should match the same as a new machine. In layman’s term, remanufacturing is overhauling or rebuilding of a product. It is a GREEN process – keeping hazardous products out of landfill for a much longer period.
Remanufacturing has been in place long before the word was coined. The automotive industry for example, where spare parts and components were a major focus of the remanufacturing activities. Likewise, with the IT industry.
It is a known fact and now practiced worldwide, that remanufacturing is a catalyst to a cleaner environment. A newly manufactured desktop computer and monitor uses an approximate 250kg of fossil fuel, 21.8 kg of chemicals and 1.5 tonnes of water (natural resources angle). IT equipment alone accounts for 9% of all energy consumed by businesses. This is the 3rd largest source of power for the commercial sector². Remanufacturing preserves much of the original product thus reducing the consumption of raw materials and CO2 emissions. Carbon footprint of a newly manufactured laptop/desktop emits 350kg CO2 and 800kg CO2 respectively³. Figuratively, 15 laptops generate as much CO2 of a mid-sized car. In 2019, Malaysia alone shipped in 2.34 million PCs!!
Remanufacturing also creates a large pool of opportunities especially for employment. As new machines are mainly manufactured overseas, it provides the local community, the industrial problem solving skill knowledge as opposed to production skill sets and the art of manufacturing processes. It is a process of dismantling, repairing, rebuilding, rigorous testing and inspection before it is rolled out to the customers. This then is an ideal way to train and re-skill new labour force in the industry. This is a holistic and a complete process, where customers’ expectation of a used product’s performance is the same as if it were brand new and to look like new as well. Warranties for remanufactured products may or may not differ from the original supplier thus reiterating that quality is not compromised⁴.
At the same time, the process of remanufacturing reduces cost benefitting the consumers. Typically, a remanufactured equipment is less than 50% the cost of new equipment. This saving is derived from the recovery of materials and energy consumption of the product. Besides the significant cost factor, remanufactured computers comes with support and services, giving you the assurance of low downtime.
Remanufacturing will be the “new norm” for many industries going forwards. Citizens of the earth are more educated and informed and are becoming more accountable towards environmental issues that is currently affecting the eco system and the climate.
Plants and animal species are facing extinction, pollution of our waters and land has increased. Habitats are lost due to mining of raw materials, landfills with toxic waste and the increase of the sea level due to global warming that is melting the ice sheets. Economy suffers as we are not able to reap the once available bounties of nature.
All in all, in essence, remanufacturing can help reverse the worsening effects of the eco-system and global warming.
This pandemic has disrupted normal working routine. Are you struggling with interruption of cash flow and productivity? Discover the benefits of Remanufactured vs New PC and Business class vs Consumer class PC. Take advantage of cost savings up to 50%* with an IT service which combines Remanufactured hardware with its solutions and support. We invite you to a 45min recorded webinar session to find out how you could save cost with Remanufactured Business PC. *Terms and condition apply. As this was a recorded webinar, kindly take note of the following: i. Complimentary 6 months subscription for Microsoft O365 E1 is no longer available. ii. Effective 4th May, the new Microsoft 365 comes with a Free half yearly for qualified SKUs with applicable Terms & Conditions upon inquiry.
An effective IT Asset Management (“ITAM”) programme uses a systematic approach to focus on managing cost, increasing agility and reducing compliance risks associated with software audits. According to Gartner, a successful execution of ITAM as a discipline, typically achieves 30% cost savings in the first year and at least 5% cost savings in each of the subsequent five years.
What is IT Asset Management?
According to the International Association of IT Asset Managers (“IAITAM”), “ITAM is a set of business practices that incorporates IT assets across the business units within the organisation. It joins the financial, inventory, contractual and risk management responsibilities to manage the overall life cycle of these assets including tactical and strategic decision making”
IT Assets not only includes the hardware, but also the software that are found in the business environment.
Building a Successful ITAM Programme
It is clear that businesses today cannot function without IT assets – inclusive of hardware, software, network and other technologies – supporting business operations. These assets are not only numerous, but they are also expensive to acquire, configure and maintain. With IT equipment frequently replaced due to the rapid advancement of technology, it’s important that these large numbers of constantly churning, costly assets are effectively managed from beginning to the end, to achieve the highest possible return on investment (“ROI”) For any organisation planning to embark on an ITAM programme, Gartner Inc. provides some guidance. According to Gartner, there are 4 components to a successful IT asset management programme;
Effective IT Asset management addresses the entire lifecycle of the asset. Most businesses mistakenly believe that IT lifecycle management begins upon receiving the assets and ends when the asset is no longer operational. However, the cycle actually commences during the requisition phase and ends at the disposition/disposal phase. It is important to realise that disposition is not disposal. The former is merely getting rid of the IT assets. The latter is the practice of executing the most efficient, secure, cost-effective and sustainable way to manage its end-of-life equipment.
Increasing benefits accrue as maturity level increases. All organisations start at a low to modest level of ITAM maturity. However, organisations progress towards increasing maturity as a result of (i) process improvement through the adoption of industry best practices, and (ii) adoption of tools that support every process in each phase of the lifecycle.
Adopt good practices which are designed to achieve specific goals and objectives while taking into account corporate policies, standards and procedures. Good practices are modelled on established and proven industry practices.
Using proven tools, build 4 core capabilities to deliver an effective IT asset management programme. Firstly, you need an ITAM repository which serves as the central store for the required financial, contractual and physical data. Secondly, a hardware and software inventory and usage information system to support ITAM processes such as receiving and assigning inventory. Thirdly, build tight integration with adjacent IT and business systems where data is reliant upon each other. Lastly, enable data import to provide capabilities of filtering and transforming source data to either create or update asset records in the repository.
Aligning ITAM Metrics with Business and IT Goals
The key prerequisite for the success of any ITAM programme is to map the priorities of your business to the value expected to be delivered through your ITAM discipline. This should be done for all core functional areas of your business. Gartner’s 2011 ITAM survey results underlined the important benefits expected of an ITAM programme.
It is not uncommon that organisations today are embarking on sustainability and/or green IT programmes. Many such programmes are narrowly focused on reducing the carbon footprint and environmental waste. However, there is a much wider spread of metrics to be considered. The table below highlights some examples of how you can look at ITAM metrics that convey progress towards sustainability goals.
Aligning your ITAM value metrics with critical business initiatives, will allow businesses to maximise the impact of results. The more tightly integrated ITAM practices are with key business goals and objectives, the more indispensable ITAM will undoubtedly be. Rentwise assists organisations to manage their entire IT asset lifecycle from requisition to disposition. Talk to us to find out how we can help your IT asset management be more effective.
Event Designed to Expand Knowledge on the Benefits of Remanufacturing to the Economy and the Environment
Shah Alam, Selangor | April, 10 2020 – In celebration of Reman Day 2020, Rentwise Sdn Bhd hosted an event on 9th April, 2020 as part of an effort to educate people about the value of remanufacturing of IT equipment and draw attention to this critical part of the Malaysian economy. Virtual activities were organised due to the Covid-19 Movement Control Order (MCO) nationwide. Activities included a company-wide webinar and a quiz as well as an awareness posting on Facebook and Linkedin.
Remanufacturing is a comprehensive and rigorous industrial process by which a previously sold, leased, used, worn, or non-functional product or part is returned to a “like-new” or “better-than-new” condition, from both a quality and performance perspective, through a controlled, reproducible, and sustainable process.
Fact: Rentwise since its inception, has on an average, remanufactured of 3,686 PCs, totalling the number of computers remanufactured to 70,034 and CO2 which equates to a staggering 23,286,305 kg.
Fact: Remanufacturing saves, on average, 85% of energy use, 86% of water use, and 85% of material use compared to new goods.
Reman Day is an annual national event executed at the local level supported by remanufacturers as they host students, teachers, parents, job seekers and other local community members at open houses, plant tours and presentations designed to showcase the social, economic and environmental benefits of remanufacturing.
“There are countless advantages to remanufacturing goods, including localized job creation and waste diversion,” said Ms Leanne Ooi, CEO-Rentwise Sdn Bhd. “The goal of Reman Day is to advocate for remanufactured goods, educate people on the advantages of remanufactured, and collaborate with our communities in order to identify future remanufacturing leaders.”
About Rentwise Sdn Bhd
Rentwise, established in 2001, is a certified IT remanufacturer under MITI’s R7KPA assessment conducted by RESPECT in 2017. Remanufacturing and repurposing ICT equipment greatly reduces the environmental impact as compared to the large amount of energy required to manufacture complex electronic components. It means up to 70% of a PC’s carbon footprint can be reduced by adopting remanufactured technology rather than new. Remanufacturing creates impactful economic benefits from consumers gaining access to products at a reduced price. An additional benefit is the creation of skilled jobs in an industry requiring high levels of technical skills.
As part of our community work, we run CSR programmes where we have helped created or refreshed the ICT facilities of a number of public schools and NGOs, benefitting more than 18,000 students thus far.
Being the only Green IT Partner in Malaysia offering a complete End-to-End IT Infrastructure and Asset Lifecycle Management Solution, we constantly look for ways to improve and best deliver our vision. We provide an infrastructure combination (both new and remanufactured platforms) to ensure our clients are able to better manage and utilize their cash resources.
“It is the use of equipment, not the ownership that generates profit” (Beate Pehlchen)
The severity of the Covid-19 pandemic has taken all of us aback. Businesses all around are disrupted. Finding the best strategy to continue operating your business, staying in touch with your customers and your staff and ultimately to stay afloat, is the main concern.
Taking the situation at hand, Rentwise launched an inaugural webinar event on 8th April titled “The Truth about PC Tech : How you can save thousands and CO2”.
This informative session aims to prove that the latest and greatest IT equipment is not the only option to manage a business. Discover the benefits of Remanufactured equipment which have the same base functions, which works and looks like new, but at a fraction of the cost. At the same time, reducing CO2 by up to 75%!
Enclosed is the recording to the webinar for your viewing: