Rentwise is proud and excited to participate in Equality at Work Convention organized by LeadWomen
It was truly an exciting experience to participate in Lead Women’s Equality at Work Virtual Convention held from 25-27 October 2022. The virtual 3-day event featured a lineup of activities aimed at fostering sustainable, measurable and actionable initiatives for better workplaces. Rentwise participated as an exhibitor at one of the allotted virtual booths setup during this event.
As a women-led organization with 60% of the senior management being women and more than half of all departments have at least 50% representation of women, Rentwise recognizes the need to having a healthy and productive workplace that values equality and mutual respect. This practical and progressive strategy is important to grow sustainably in today’s unique business and climate challenges.
As an accredited Green IT infrastructure service provider and Malaysia’s first and only IT equipment remanufacturer, the IT industry and STEM-based profession are often associated with the male gender. With a robust workforce in the assembly line where remanufactured computers are processed, Rentwise seeks to ensure that women technicians make up a certain percentage of the production team.
Rentwise virtual booth presence
The world events are unfolding at an ever faster pace, largely due in part to rapidly deteriorating weather patterns and global warming. Circular economy represents one of the key solutions to combating climate change. Rentwise’s circular business model and its IT rental service of remanufactured desktops and laptops would certainly be uniquely poised to grow with the increased involvement of women in its workforce.
As such, Rentwise will continue to nurture the opportunities and equalities that a diverse and gender-inclusive workplace offers, and recognize these as potent competitive advantage in our fight against climate change. These benefits are all encompassing throughout our organizational functions, whether be they at manufacturing, finance, customer service, sales or marketing departments. On this note, Rentwise looks forward to a fruitful and impactful partnership with Lead Women.
Women plays a crucial role in fighting climate change. The involvement of women in the management of natural resources is often associated with improved governance and positive conservation outcomes as reported by UN Women. Realising this, Rentwise advocates a gender balance approach in its organizational development framework. As an equal opportunity employer and a women-led organization, we observe diversity and inclusion for a fairer and sustainable future
Leanne engaging the crowd at IGEM 2022 during a pocket talk session to share about Rentwise’s circular IT solution
Rentwise participated in its first IGEM 2022 event at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre which attracted almost 30,000 registered visitors from over 30 countries. As an exhibitor hosted under the Alliance Bank pavilion, Rentwise was the only Green IT organization amongst big names locally and globally featuring its first and only carbon neutral remanufactured computer.
Throughout the course of 3 days, we engaged with numerous visitors who showed deep interests in our circular products. The awareness level on green tech and recognition of its potential to be financially sustainable in the long run was evidently felt in our conversation with booth visitors. This certainly was a good sign that motivated us.
A huge turnout of interested visitors dropped by at Rentwise’s booth to learn more about Circular Economy driven by sustainable computing
A large number of visitors who dropped by our booth demonstrated an eager interest to discover how Rentwise’s unique rental solution of remanufactured desktops and laptops can help their businesses save money and enhance their ESG profile. With the imminent and inevitable introduction of carbon tax in Malaysia, it’s only a matter of time before such hidden costs come knocking at our doors.
IT is central to any organization and key to driving a profitable and sustainable operation especially in current challenging business landscape. As such, Rentwise’s “device-as-a-service” circular approach to leasing computers for use by businesses represents the silver bullet every Malaysian company should consider especially in an uncertain year 2023 and beyond.
Featuring remanufactured laptops and desktops as the only Circular IT solution provider at IGEM 2022
Climate change and the looming economic recession are real and present threats that all organisations face. As businesses deal with tapering revenue and rising costs, they inevitably turn to technology as the panacea for all of their operation challenges. Therefore, it was truly a great opportunity to be engaging these topics during this international event with various customers and partners from various industries bringing with them unique and diverse insights.
Rentwise is proud to be partnering with Alliance Bank during IGEM 2022 as one of 6 exhibitors at the pavilion featuring green solutions
We will certainly be looking forward to next year’s IGEM event as it appears there are more emphasis being placed on the importance of circular economy in driving sustainability. Rentwise would be uniquely positioned to service this growing demand for sustainable solution in computing via its rental service for remanufactured desktops and laptops.
Rentwise is the leading green IT company in the Circular Economy space focused on delivering quality remanufactured desktops and laptops on an IT leasing structure. This sustainable computing solution helps save money, reduce carbon footprint and drives companies’ vision to achieve their ESG goals. Our circular computers’ utility are kept at the highest functional performance for the longest period of time, thereby extending the lifespan of IT equipment before they are responsibly disposed and recycled.
Wooden plaque by The Green Factory explaining the CSR collaboration between Rentwise and Sunway Medical Centre
Rentwise is proud to be working with Sunway Medical Centre in our first ever project that saw the donation of 100 remanufactured computers to 5 public schools in Malaysia. Each school received 20 computers that have undergone the strict 16-step remanufacturing process that Rentwise is uniquely associated with. To celebrate this joyous occasion, a computer lab opening ceremony was held at SK La Salle PJ on the 26 August 2022; one of the 5 schools chosen by Sunway Medical Centre to receive the computers.
As the first and only licensed IT equipment remanufacturer in Malaysia, Rentwise is certainly surging ahead at fifth gear as it positively impacts the digital learning abilities of children whose schools’ computer labs are often ill-equipped. The use of remanufacturing technology to empower circularity in IT endpoints (computers and laptops) will ensure that the future leaders of Malaysia will have a chance to stay ahead of the game with the right digital knowledge in today’s world.
“We have always wished for our computer lab to be well equipped so that our students are exposed to digital learning. In this day and age, expertise and knowledge in information and communications technology is a compulsory skill and if our computer lab is ill-equipped to support the children’s digital learning needs, they may face even bigger challenges at home,” explains En Zakaria bin Muhammad, the headmaster of SK La Salle PJ.
En Zakaria continues, “With these remanufactured computers in place, we are able to plan our schedule to ensure the optimum delivery of IT lessons to all students. The school would like to thank Sunway Medical Centre for their donation of 20 desktop computers through Rentwise who remanufactured them to as good as new. We will put these computers to good use and may they positively impact the lives of our students.”
Ms Lin Pui Mei, the Assistant Director of Information, Communication & Technologies Department at Sunway Medical Centre was present to officiate SK La Salle PJ’s computer lab with Ms Wiinie Khong, Group Financial Controller of Rentwise. Ms Lin was truly moved by the difficulties faced by the students in their attempt to stay ahead in their digital learning especially during the pandemic. She believes the simple act of repurposing used computers is impactful and life changing for these students. Not only does it preserve the environment, the social benefits a responsible IT asset disposition and CSR program offers simply leaves no room for her to say no!
Launching of SK La Salle PJ’s computer lab equipped with Rentwise’s remanufactured computers donated by Sunway Medical Centre
“Rentwise approached us a few years ago when we were in the midst of refreshing our IT equipment, which normally occurs every 4-5 years. The value proposition offered was simple but meaningful where the equipment, which Sunway Medical Centre is withdrawing, will be channeled to Rentwise to be remanufactured before being donated to school children. This act itself helps addresses a number of issues,” said Dr Seow Vei Ken, Chief Executive Officer of Sunway Medical Centre.
“Remanufacturing extends the lifespan of IT equipment, enabling it to be put to good use. More importantly, it is a proper means of waste management, avoiding it from being disposed into landfills, which reduces the impact on the environment.
“Computers are an important tool for children to learn in this era for digitalization. During the movement control order (MCO), many students did not have a computer and relied on mobile phones to access online learning. The small display screen is certainly not helpful for their viewing comfort.
“With schools opening up post-pandemic, I hope the students will be able to reap great benefits from using the computers during their weekly 1-hour lessons. This will definitely improve their learning capacity and enhance their skills,” Dr Seow adds.
70% of the students are from the B40 category, which means they are at the bottom 40% of the Malaysian household income. As such, they are ill-equipped to have any access to digital learning. Having this digital facility now at SK La Salle PJ would certainly help them gain relevance in today’s job market.
“We hope to continue to work with Rentwise in their CSR program to ensure that no school children will be left out in their digital learning, while extending the lifespan of IT equipment for the greater good of mother earth,” Dr Seow concludes.
Recognising education as a fundamental human right and the importance of digital learning capabilities, Rentwise constantly seeks to establish collaborative partnerships with corporate organisations who are looking at responsible ways to dispose of their IT equipment when they retire old computers. Please do get in touch with us to discover a whole new way of saving the environment and empowering our future leaders at the same time, all by just a single simple act of kindness.
It’s been an amazing first half of 2022 with many exciting happenings and more to come as we get busy with the reopening of all business sectors in Malaysia this post-pandemic period. Sailing through these tough 2 years have not been easy for anyone. We have come to realise the importance of resilience and sustainability as crucial values in weathering uncertainties.
Rentwise is the first and only Malaysian social enterprise running a collaborative CSR program targeting the enhancement of digital learning of public school students using remanufactured computers
At Rentwise, we’ve always been a firm believer of building sustainable business and communities through our reforestation efforts and digital learning empowerment program linking corporates with needy schools. The former helps offset the residual carbon of our remanufactured computers thus helping us achieve Malaysia’s first carbon neutral computer. The latter continues its progress in equipping Malaysian school children with the means to increase their digital learning capacity through donated remanufactured computers.
Climate change is linked to an unsustainable linear economy resulting in extreme weather patterns due to high carbon emissions
The above mentioned two key events have been driving our organisation forward thus far, as we guide our customers into building ethical business, reduce their carbon footprint through green IT and help them improve on their ESG profile with our carbon neutral remanufactured computers. The aftermath of the unprecedented flood in Dec 2021 and the increasing frequency of witnessing the effects of global warming have somewhat largely made businesses more aware to embark on initiating deeper cuts in carbon emission. For that, we are always ready to serve.
Fighting climate change with our remanufactured computer rental solution has been our core business in Malaysia for the past 21 years. We had the unenviable experience of having encountered the ugly side of natural disaster in motion when in last December, a number of our employees living at Sri Muda Shah Alam bore the brunt of the floods in one of the worst hit areas in Malaysia during the year end monsoon.
Malaysian public/semi-govt schools benefitting from donated remanufactured computers as part of Rentwise’s CSR program
Our operations was badly affected which adversely impacted our business uptime. The world indeed is not in a good shape, economically and environmentally. Our livelihood is at stake. Our 80-men strong organisation lived through it all and slowly but surely, everyone is beginning to realise the very core competency Rentwise as a Green IT infra service provider brings to the table.
Just as the adage; “Every cloud has a silver lining”, we finally understood the importance of what we do. Only then will we be able to internalise our core values and project the virtues of a circular business modelto our customers in reducing their carbon emission. Because we’ve seen firsthand the ugly side of betraying nature. Because we understand the implications if we don’t change. Because the clock is ticking. Because the lives of our loved ones is at stake.
Climate Warriors on they journey to realizing sustainable computing
Being 21 this year, a transitory milestone that signifies the crossing between the realms of dependence to independence as a teenager would, the realization of how far we have come truly struck a familiar chord. In just a flash of over two decades, our computer rental solution in Malaysia has evolved tremendously. Turning this age coinciding with a point in our country as we gear towards the endemic phase is a poignant moment. The bigger the reward, the costlier the sacrifice. As difficult as the road ahead seems to be, we realise sometimes the “pain” is necessary to only make us more aware how human we are. As humans, we have a choice to make. Let’s make that choice count towards our vision to be Sustainable.
A linear economy is characterised by the irresponsible dumping of e-waste into landfills
The word Sustainabilityhas never ever rang this loud and clear. By the end of 2022, we would have processed almost 400,000 used computers and help reduced almost 300,000,000 Kg of CO2e emission. While these may be mere numbers, every little counts. Every single computer that we can process is one additional e-waste item diverted from their improper disposal either via incineration or landfill. All these contribute to a gradual shift towards improvement in our collective Net Zero journey.
On that note, we would also like to share about the Rentwise DNA. It has taken us 21 years to realise what we are made of, literally. Our organisation’s brand name which has stood tall, firm and strong can be appreciated as an acronym in its own right. Indeed, the very essence of what we do is aptly embodied in our attempt to Reconciling Nature & Technology With Innovative & Sustainable Efforts. Truly, we live up to what defines us as not just a name, but an ingrained identity all these years as we build towards a sustainable planet.
The use of Rentwise remanufactured computers is central to supporting a circular economy in achieving our Green IT sustainability goals
How do we ensure sustainable computing for a sustainable planet with our remanufactured computers? It takes years of hard work, experience and passion, a dash of determination, grit and foresight, and a generous sprinkling of awards and recognitions especially these past 2 years. The idea of championing for the adoption of PaaS (product as a service) and the rental of remanufactured desktops and laptops is central to the circular economy consumption model in upholding true sustainability.
The first and only carbon neutral remanufactured computer in Malaysia
In fact, our string of awards and accolades came streaming in from the end of 2020 just when the pandemic hit. It began with the AREA Award (Circular Economy Leadership Category), followed by the APICTA Award (Inclusion & Community Services Category for Sustainability & Environment) before culminating with the WITSA Global ICT Excellence Award 2021 (Sustainable Growth/Circular Economy Category) in recognition of Malaysia’s First Carbon Neutral Computer. Truly, we have forged excellence in adversity. For that we have our customers and partners to thank for as we work together in hopes of a sustainable future.
As the year takes a turn towards the second half of 2022, we know not what holds for us and businesses around the world. It’s a story with an exciting chapter yet to be written. But we are certain that there’s no compromise in fighting climate change when it comes to initiating deeper cuts in carbon emission.
Rentwise’s unique value proposition of helping our customers save money by reducing their total cost of IT ownership should be where the story begins for most of us. As organisations battle against uncertain legislative pitfalls, we can always be certain that Rentwise’s carbon neutral IT solution is one of many sensible solutions employed by companies to navigate this challenging ESG landscape.
For more information on how Rentwise can help your organization’s decarbonisation journey via the leasing of our remanufactured desktops and laptops, visit our website at
It’s been 8 years since Rentwise last organised a warehouse sale in Malaysia. So it is certainly with much excitement that the much anticipated and highly-rated Rentwise Green IT Warehouse Sale of refurbished, branded and business-grade computers is finally here.
The event was held over 3 days from 24 – 26 June 2022 from 10 AM to 5 PM. The highly fickle weather conditions over the 3 days wavering between rain and shine did not deter the crowd of bargain hunters from turning up to check out the amazing deals on display.
Monitors were going for as low as RM 65 per unit! It was simply awesome. 0% easy payment plan was also made available. Apart from the usual array of various branded, refurbished and business-grade laptops, desktops and all-in-ones on fire sale, there were lucky draws, auctions and sustainable free gifts to be given away as well.
Our sponsors included Secret Recipe whose composted food waste was a big hit amongst customers. Every purchase of computers were accompanied by bags of compost. As Rentwise’s refurbished, branded and business-grade computer is a low carbon solution aimed to reduce the user’s carbon footprint, compost on the other hand helps to store carbon. Together, they help contribute towards sustainability
Bitdefender Malaysia sponsored 50 copies of Bitdefender Internet Security Software (1 Year 1 Device) each worth RM 39 that were included as part of our lineup of lucky draw items. Comodo Cybersecurity also joined in the celebratory lucky draw mood with their sleek and highly functional sling bags.
The refurbished IT equipment warranty offered ranges between 6 months to a year (not including batteries) with optional upgrades possible upon request (e.g. RAM or hard disk upgrades). As these computers on sale are refurbished, there were noticeable traces of blemishes and cosmetic imperfections that certainly will not affect performance. A number of these refurbished computers on sale even looked just as good as new to the untrained eye! At a glance, they look perfectly normal, except for an almost microscopic scratch here and there. More importantly, they function just as well.
A check with some of the customers revealed that they were buying these refurbished computers for use in their own small businesses. Such organisations are usually powered by a small user base of between 5 to 20 people. Others came to grab a monitor or two as extended visual aid for personal home use; either in gaming or for watching movie. There were even parents who came buying these refurbished business-grade laptops for their children’s digital learning!
It’s truly motivating to see our customers leaving with a climate-friendly solution at hand as every little counts no matter how small or insignificant the action is. This positive impact is especially amplified amongst children using these green technology at such a young age, for they will have a good head start in learning the values of Circular Economy for a sustainable tomorrow.
Let’s come together in our fight against climate change by subscribing to a Circular Economy way of responsible consumption as we strive to protect the environment and lower our carbon footprint with Rentwise’s refurbished or remanufactured computers
We do not need the latest and the greatest in IT equipment. We need what’s best for the environment in our endeavour to ensure Sustainable Computing for a Sustainable Planet.
We hope to see you all in our next Warehouse Sale. Stay tuned!
For more information about Rentwise’s refurbished and/or remanufactured computers for sale and/or rental, please do get in touch with our sales team. As a leading and accredited Green IT Infrastructure Service Provider with the first carbon neutral computer in Malaysia (winner of the Global ICT Excellence Awards 2021 and Malaysia Book of Records), Rentwise does more than just selling refurbished computers. Rentwise’s comprehensive low carbon IT solution helps companies save money, lowers their total cost of IT ownership and helps companies improve their ESG profile.
Rentwise’s remanufactured desktop computers donated to schools come with a 1 year warranty.
It’s truly an honour and privilege to be working with Sumitomo Corporation Asia & Oceania Pte Ltd, Kuala Lumpur Branch (SCAOKL) & Sumitomo Corporation Malaysia Sdn Bhd (SCMY) in a joint CSR programme to donate 10 units of remanufactured desktops to SMK Taman Klang Utama (PPKI – Program Pendidikan Khas Integrasi / Special Needs Education Integration)’s special needs division on the 28 July 2022. Katsuhito Horiguchi, the General Manager of SCAOKL who is also the Managing Director of SCMY, Charley Chang, Head of Technology Services at Rentwise, and Pn Hjh Umi Kalsom binti Mohd Wahi, Headmistress of the school, officiated the opening of the computer lab during the launching ceremony.
“Education is the most important thing that we can contribute to society. When I first arrived this morning, the children and teachers’ faces were so bright. It was such a welcoming sight. I understand that this school has both the regular or mainstream learning and the special needs division as well,” says Mr. Horiguchi. He is glad that Rentwise and SCAOKL/SCMY have collaborated to ensure the 10 units of remanufactured desktops are put to good use for the special needs education programme.
“This is a timely move as the school is gearing up their special needs digital syllabus teaching to be in line with current needs. I sincerely hope our computers can effectively support their learning process. Our company has activities worldwide. In each area, we are trying to find out how to best contribute to society. We work with people, and that’s what we are doing today and will always be doing,” Mr Horiguchi adds.
About 65% of the students of SMK Taman Klang Utama are from the B40 category; which means they are at the bottom 40% of the Malaysian household income. Some parents cannot even afford to pay for the Parents Teachers Association’s fee of RM 80 per year per family. Education is clearly one of the ways to combat poverty. With these donated remanufactured computers, hopefully, technology can be used to accelerate the children’s computer learning abilities, thereby affording them a competitive advantage in this increasingly digitalised world.
Rentwise is proud to work with Sumitomo Corporation Malaysia Sdn Bhd in this CSR program benefitting the special needs children of SMK Taman Klang Utama (PPKI)
“This school has students with special needs education. Our special needs education programme which includes a Basic Multimedia module on digital learning helps them to achieve social independence and academic excellence. We have more than 90 special needs children. Before we got this donated computers, we were borrowing notebooks from mainstream students to be used by the special needs students. With this donation, I believe the children would find more motivation and comfort in their learning,” shares Puan Umi Kalsom of the challenges faced in digital learning by the school’s students.
“As a National Champion, this school has just won the Digital Utilisation Technology Awards (special needs children category) back in July 2022, beating the state of Kedah. These donated remanufactured computers came at an opportune time to enable us to make greater strides in our children’s digital learning. They complete our endeavours to achieve bigger breakthroughs in digital education. I was even made to understand that several other PPKI schools will be visiting and using our school as a benchmarking reference for their own digital learning framework,” Puan Umi Kalsom adds with a glint in her eyes.
Puan Umi Kalsom sincerely hopes that this digital advancement experienced by her special needs children’s ICT learning can also be extended to other areas of the school. She certainly hopes to see further digitisation of her mainstream students’ learning and management of teachers’ & students’ affairs besides the main purpose of empowering for academic excellence.
“On behalf of all teachers of this school, I express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to SCAOKL/SCMY and Rentwise for these donated remanufactured computers. This assistance is truly unexpected and as such, I believe the teachers are more motivated and dedicated now that they feel they have a more meaningful connection and relationship with society at large, with this technological upgrade. It has certainly allowed us to achieve many other visions which we could only dream of before this,” Puan Umi Kalsom concludes.
The computer lab at SMK Taman Klang Utama (PPKI) was officiated on the 28 July 2022
Rentwise would like to thank Katsuhito Horiguchi of SCAOKL/SCMY for his enthusiasm and recognition of this small but highly important initiative as part of Rentwise’s ongoing Digital Learning Empowerment Program (DLEP). We are always on the lookout to work with many more corporate organisations to help them recover much more value than is possible from retired IT equipment as part of our commitment to energise the Circular Economy in Malaysia.
Here’s to fulfilling United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 4 (Quality Education) and 12 (Responsible Consumption & Production). Happy children, Happy society, Happy environment! Happy days ahead indeed.
Recognising education as a fundamental human right and the importance of digital learning capabilities, Rentwise constantly seeks to establish collaborative partnerships with corporate organisations who are looking at responsible ways to dispose of their IT equipment when they retire old computers. Please do get in touch with us to discover a whole new way of saving the environment and empowering our future leaders at the same time, all by just a single simple act of kindness.
In celebration of Reman Day 2022, Rentwise Sdn Bhd hosted an event on 14th April, 2022 as part of an effort to educate people about the value of IT equipment remanufacturing. On this meaningful occasion, Rentwise invited everyone to reflect on Remanufacturing as one of the important drivers of a circular economy for sustainable development.
A public webinar titled “Rethinking Remanufacturing: Waste to Ways for Sustainable Growth” was organized and attended by Rentwise staff, customers and partners. Participants were able to learn more about the latest trends, opportunities and development involving Remanufacturing and the circular economy.
Sustainability is good for business
We were proud to have with us Ms. Shanta Helena Dwarkasing, Director of Programs from United Nations Global Compact Network Malaysia/Brunei and Dr Magdalene Andrew Munot, Senior Lecturer at the Deparment of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) to share about the role of Remanufacturing as a key enabler for sustainability.
Ms Li Jin Chin, Senior Managing Partner of ACMF Circular Economy moderated the insightful session that saw an exciting discussion surrounding the differences of value-creation potential between recycle, refurbish and remanufacturing. To top it off, the role of IT equipment remanufacturing in circular economy is well defined as a key activity to combat e-waste and promote sustainable development.
Remanufacturing VS other recovery techniques
The Remanufacturing Industries Council defines Remanufacturing as “a comprehensive and rigorous industrial process by which a previously sold, leased, used, worn, or non-functional product or part is returned to a “like-new” or “better-than-new” condition, from both a quality and performance perspective, through a controlled, reproducible, and sustainable process.” More importantly, it is worth noting that Remanufacturing is not the same as “recycling”, “repairing” or “refurbishing”.
Fact: Rentwise since its inception, has on an average, remanufactured more than 64,000 PCs, with about equal amount between notebooks and desktops. These remanufactured computers have helped reduced more than 83,000 tonnes of CO2e emission, with an estimated duration of use for each computer at 10 years (total 3 cycles at 3 years per cycle).
Fact: Remanufacturing saves, on average up to, 85% of energy use, 86% of water use, and 85% of material use compared to new goods.
Reman Day is an annual global event executed at the local level supported by remanufacturers as they host students, teachers, parents, job seekers and other local community members at open houses, plant tours and presentations designed to showcase the social, economic and environmental benefits of remanufacturing.
“There are countless advantages to remanufacturing goods, including localized job creation and waste diversion,” said Ms Leanne Ooi, CEO of Rentwise Sdn Bhd. “The goal of Reman Day is to advocate for remanufactured goods, educate people on the advantages of remanufacturing, and collaborate with our communities in order to identify future remanufacturing leaders.”
Rentwise is always proud to be part of this annual celebration of World Remanufacturing Day with other remanufacturing industries globally. This special day represents the very core business of what Rentwise does best. Remanufacturing is poised to effectively combat e-waste in the ICT industry, bring about social and environmental improvements, and harness the trillion dollar business of circular economy. In short, Remanufacturing impacts people, planet and profits.
What is ESG?
The use of Rentwise’s carbon neutral remanufactured computers is appropriate in light of the urgency to combat climate change and reduce carbon emissions. This is a simple first step of change in the right direction for large or small companies to decarbonize and remain not just relevant but profitable as they navigate the challenging ESG landscape.
IT plays a central role in any organization and it’s only logical that a carbon reduction strategy begins with using remanufactured computers
The earth’s population is projected to reach 8.6 billion people by 2030. There is an urgent need to provide enough food, water and energy to power this growing demand in the next decade and beyond. This is simply not going to happen unless we change the way we consume.
Today, atmospheric CO2 is at a higher level than at any point in the last 3 million years. Humans are injecting more CO2 into the atmosphere at one of the fastest rates ever. The information & communication technology sector’s global share of greenhouse gas emission stood at 4% in 2020, and is projected to rise to 14% in 2040.
Production and use of a new laptop and desktop emit about 350 kg and 800 kg of CO2 respectively. In 2019, only 17% out of 54 million metric tonnes of e-waste generated was properly recycled. The balance 83% was either dumped into landfills or incinerated. We owe humanity’s progress in the past century to technology, but it appears our soaring IT-related carbon footprint due to unsustainable consumption is holding us back. Is IT working for us, or against us?
Out of 54 million tonnes of e-waste generated in 2019, only 17% is recycled properly
With this in mind, there’s growing realisation that using the latest and greatest in IT is never necessary. Using remanufactured computers helps reduce as much as 75% carbon emission. At Rentwise, the balance 25% carbon is offset via our reforestation initiative, thereby allowing us to be recognised as the first carbon neutral computer in Malaysia.
As the world gears toward achieving Net Zero by 2050, decarbonisation in all sectors becomes a priority. To make this a reality, we need technology to fight climate change. Today, organisations are not only under increasing threat from business-disrupting weather patterns but also from punitive government policies that limit their business opportunities and growth if decarbonisation is not observed.
IT is an indispensable tool that plays a central role in running any business today. Therefore, it is only logical that a sound carbon reduction strategy begins with using remanufactured computers. Essentially, using remanufactured computers by Rentwise is the first step towards improving an organisation’s ESG profile.
Using Rentwise’s remanufactured computers is the quickest, simplest and most cost-effective way to improve an organization’s ESG profile
Founded in 2001, Rentwise’s circular business model has served more than 200 medium to large corporations in Malaysia and Singapore. A pioneer remanufacturer of IT equipment in Malaysia, Rentwise has to date reduced over 280 million kg of CO2 emission from more than 378,000 used computers repurposed. As an award winning, accredited and leading independent lessor for end-to-end green IT infrastructure, we take great pride in our strict 16-step remanufacturing process. This process has enabled us to extend the use of a PC by up to 3 cycles, thereby maintaining product utility at its highest value over an average lifespan of 10 years.
As a registered social enterprise and signatory member of the United Nations Global Compact, aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 4, 12, 13 & 17, Rentwise is especially committed to providing equitable access to digital learning among underprivileged school children. Our digital learning empowerment program has seen more than 100 schools with over 31,000 students benefitting from donated remanufactured computers in a joint collaborative effort with our project partners, many of whom are also our clients. This is timely especially in light of the pandemic where remote learning has become the norm.
We owe it to our future generation to do better. Green IT represents the power to control and pivot towards a sustainable future and achieve our best.
Let us help you become the ground zero for change towards net zero.
Rentwise is proud to be involved in an international event during the Expo 2020 Dubai’s Week 26 Circular Economy held from 27 – 31 March 2022. This event was driven by the Malaysian Green Technology & Climate Change Corporation (MGTC) and hosted at Malaysia’s Net Zero Carbon Pavilion amongst other exhibitors whose products and services revolves around the idea of zero waste and cycling of materials.
As the leading Green IT infrastructure service provider and the first and only IT equipment remanufacturer in Malaysia, Rentwise’s unique circular computers help reduce carbon footprint and improves organisations’ ESG profile. On this note, we are truly proud to be representing Malaysia on the international stage with a unique climate solution.
Throughout the course of this event, we had the opportunity to engage with officers from the Ministry of Environment & Water Malaysia (KASA). The resulting dialogue explored how Rentwise’s unique financing and rental solution for remanufactured desktops and laptops can help increase competitiveness in the green industry, spur business development in the global market, increase employment, improve health and subsequently reduce poverty. Circular economy indeed has far and wide reaching benefits that can potentially catalyse progress towards a low carbon and climate resilient growth.
We are certainly looking forward to participate in future similar events as we value the global recognition and reach this platform offers. We hope the environmental and financial benefits offered by our award winning remanufactured computers can be enjoyed by cost-conscious and discerning corporations looking for affordable and actionable means to decarbonize and improve on their ESG profile.
Rentwise is the leading green IT company in the Circular Economy space focused on delivering quality remanufactured desktops and laptops on an IT leasing structure. This sustainable computing solution helps save money, reduce carbon footprint and drives companies’ vision to achieve their ESG goals. Our circular computers’ utility are kept at the highest functional performance for the longest period of time, thereby extending the lifespan of IT equipment before they are responsibly disposed and recycled.