An inaugural win for Rentwise Sdn Bhd under the Circular Economy Leadership category of the Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards 2020 at the 6th International CSR & Sustainability Summit ICS Summit 2020. The sole Malaysian winner of the category, this award is an affirmation of Rentwise’s relentless commitment and leadership towards remanufacturing for a sustainable environment whilst bridging the digital gap in our younger generation.
This programme honours Asian businesses for championing sustainable and responsible entrepreneurship through leadership, involvement in communities and protection of the environment amongst others.
This year, over 200 submissions across 19 countries were received from organizations across Asia. Winners were determined not just by their efforts and results, but also by such criteria as effective delineation, nexus to the community, identification of needs, measurability, effectiveness of implementation, ability to reach the target audience, impact, leadership involvement, institutionalization and continuity.
The most coveted Economic, Social and Governance (ESG) event in the region – AREA 2020 are supported by, amongst others, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific (UNESCAP), World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), Circular Economy Club, CSRone Taiwan, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI), National Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (N.I.E.L) Cambodia, Institute for (IGES) Japan, Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy and Vietnam Development.
CEO, Ms Leanne Ooi’s acceptance speech:-
Relevant Links:
1. Profile Write Up & Photograph, and Winners Listing in official AREA
2. Winners Listing in:
- SME Magazine for November 2020 Issue
- Regionally Distributed Press Releases via PRNewswire
- CSRone: https://csrone.com/news/6434
- The Asian Entrepreneur: https://www.asianentrepreneur.org/a-decade-of-impact-enterprise-asia-confers-asia-responsible-enterprise-awards-to-81-recipients/, https://www.asianentrepreneur.org/international-csr-sustainability-summit-2020-call-for-business-to-commit-to-a-higher-purpose-beyond-profits/
- Commercial Times/China Times: https://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20200924000201-260210?chdtv
- Jian Hua Daily: https://jianhuadaily.com/20200925/93508?fbclid=IwAR1dx2TaWSMRY2r_Iudb31-FZgxYVQXMT0XmlUvYFIvqIxy6ek4uL_I3eHo
- The Nation: https://www.nationthailand.com/recommended/1003
- Bangkok Biz News: https://www.bangkokbiznews.com/recommended/detail/2511
- Business World: https://www.pressreader.com/philippines/business-world/20200928/282020444736729
- Markets Insider: https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/a-decade-of-impact-enterprise-asia-confers-asia-responsible-enterprise-awards-to-81-recipients-1029621651#
- Kumparan: https://kumparan.com/kumparanbisnis/international-csr-summit-digelar-perusahaan-diminta-pikirkan-lingkungan-1uGN3SDLF5E
- AsianNGO Magazine: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1905180416296975&id=118206368327731,
- https://asianngo.org/upload/e-magazine/pdf/332/ICS%202020.html