Event Designed to Expand Knowledge on the Benefits of Remanufacturing to the Economy and the Environment
Shah Alam, Selangor | April, 10 2020 – In celebration of Reman Day 2020, Rentwise Sdn Bhd hosted an event on 9th April, 2020 as part of an effort to educate people about the value of remanufacturing of IT equipment and draw attention to this critical part of the Malaysian economy. Virtual activities were organised due to the Covid-19 Movement Control Order (MCO) nationwide. Activities included a company-wide webinar and a quiz as well as an awareness posting on Facebook and Linkedin.
Remanufacturing is a comprehensive and rigorous industrial process by which a previously sold, leased, used, worn, or non-functional product or part is returned to a “like-new” or “better-than-new” condition, from both a quality and performance perspective, through a controlled, reproducible, and sustainable process.
Fact: Rentwise since its inception, has on an average, remanufactured of 3,686 PCs, totalling the number of computers remanufactured to 70,034 and CO2 which equates to a staggering 23,286,305 kg.
Fact: Remanufacturing saves, on average, 85% of energy use, 86% of water use, and 85% of material use compared to new goods.
Reman Day is an annual national event executed at the local level supported by remanufacturers as they host students, teachers, parents, job seekers and other local community members at open houses, plant tours and presentations designed to showcase the social, economic and environmental benefits of remanufacturing.
“There are countless advantages to remanufacturing goods, including localized job creation and waste diversion,” said Ms Leanne Ooi, CEO-Rentwise Sdn Bhd. “The goal of Reman Day is to advocate for remanufactured goods, educate people on the advantages of remanufactured, and collaborate with our communities in order to identify future remanufacturing leaders.”
About Rentwise Sdn Bhd
Rentwise, established in 2001, is a certified IT remanufacturer under MITI’s R7KPA assessment conducted by RESPECT in 2017. Remanufacturing and repurposing ICT equipment greatly reduces the environmental impact as compared to the large amount of energy required to manufacture complex electronic components. It means up to 70% of a PC’s carbon footprint can be reduced by adopting remanufactured technology rather than new. Remanufacturing creates impactful economic benefits from consumers gaining access to products at a reduced price. An additional benefit is the creation of skilled jobs in an industry requiring high levels of technical skills.
As part of our community work, we run CSR programmes where we have helped created or refreshed the ICT facilities of a number of public schools and NGOs, benefitting more than 18,000 students thus far.
Being the only Green IT Partner in Malaysia offering a complete End-to-End IT Infrastructure and Asset Lifecycle Management Solution, we constantly look for ways to improve and best deliver our vision. We provide an infrastructure combination (both new and remanufactured platforms) to ensure our clients are able to better manage and utilize their cash resources.
“It is the use of equipment, not the ownership that generates profit” (Beate Pehlchen)