Pertubuhan Kebajikan Cahaya Hidup is the brainchild of Pastor Subra. Situated on the 1st and 2nd Floor of a shop house in Taman Bendehara, Kuala Selangor, Pastor Subra has been operating this “tuition centre” since 2010 for about 70 under-privileged school children ranging from Std. 1 to Form 5. Also included are non-school going children –those pending receipts of their ICs. Coming from the surrounding rubber estates, many children are from the bottom B-40 group. Free tuition classes are carried out 3 times a week by volunteer teachers. Their vision is to ensure that these children are given equal opportunity to be educated despite of their circumstances and to equip them with a base to improve their lives. The centre even organises a free pick-up of the children from their homes due to the lack of public transport as well as for security reasons.
An NGO, The National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM) was formed in 1986 by a group of parents and professional. The Kuantan branch amongst 23 centres country-wide, was set up in 2005 with 4 children under the autism spectrum and 2 teachers. Since its inception, it’s enrolment has increased to 34 children with ages ranging from 4 to 21, 10 teachers and 1 occupational therapist. The core objective of the centre is to offer lifespan services to people with autism through its various services and programmes. It is also to provide assistance and advice to enable people afflicted with autism to realise their full potential. According to CDC, United States, autism affects 1 in 68 children.
As part of their vocational/therapy training, they have learnt to bake cookies and trained in the art of batik tie and dye. The tie-dye technique is part of the living-skill programme where the children are able to develop their talent which in turn, can help them to earn a living in the future. Children as young as 6 years old are involved in this activity. The children have had since sold many of their handiworks which includes shawls, t-shirts, tote bags, tablecloths, to name a few. Designs are by the children but sewn by the teachers. 70% of sales proceed goes back to the children. The demand for cookies especially during the festive season is overwhelming.

The children are also trained in gardening at a tiny little veggie patch behind the school in preparation for the sensory garden. In Feb 2019, their agricultural sensory garden started taking root- an organic vertical farm using the aquaponics system and harvesting rain water. Children are trained to put seeds in the pot, checking for weeds, harvesting and ‘packing’. Sales of their produce should hit the market by early 2020. Also, part of the proceeds goes back to the children.
Rentwise has, since 2009, supported NASOM with their requests for computers. Over the years, we have donated over 70 computers. In this joint exercise with Macquarie Equipment Leasing Sdn. Bhd., a 2nd collaboration, 8 desktops were donated to the Kuantan branch. These will be used for fun and educational purposes as well as an instrument to improving their sensory and motor skills.
Rentwise is passionate about creating a Green and sustainable future. Its Green IT policies ensures a cleaner environment through its extension of the lifespan of the computer. This then gives us the opportunity to extend this sustainability via our CSR initiatives to provide a source to equip our children to a brighter future.